Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Some components of the volatiles from rye flour (Secale cereale)

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  • The volatile components of rye flour were isolated by steam distillation and trapped in cold traps under vacuum. After preliminary tests indicated the presence of carbonyl compounds, the distillate was reacted with 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazine to convert the carbonyl compounds to their stable derivatives, 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazones. Three classes of monocarbonyls were present as indicated by column chromatography. The identity of two classes was verified by ultraviolet spectra and a time fading study using ethanolic sodium hydroxide as a coloring agent. Tentative identification of the following compounds was achieved by paper chromatography of two classes of monocarbonyls: acetaldehyde, propanal, butanal and pentanal; prop 2-enal, but-2-enal, pent-2-enal, hept-2-enal and oct-2-enal. An ether extract, of a rye flour distillate was concentrated to produce an essence which was subjected to gas-liquid chromatographic and mass spectral analysis. Several compounds were identified on the basis of the match of their relative retention times with those of authentic compounds on two columns, Carbowax and Apiezon, and their mass spectra. The compounds identified in rye flour volatiles were: acetaldehyde, hexanal, prop- 2-enal, ethanol, 1-pentanol and ethyl acetate.
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