Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Simulation of random, nonlinear wave forces on a circular cylindrical pile

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  • Two types of linear random wave simulation methods are investigated; viz., (1) Deterministic Spectral Amplitude (DSA) and (2) Nondeterministic Spectral Amplitude (NSA). These linear simulations are extended to second-order in a perturbation expansion in the frequency domain by utilizing a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The nonlinear interaction matrix for waves in shallow-, intermediate-, and deep-water is also investigated. In shallow water, the nonlinear interaction matrix is not as well-behaved as it is in intermediate- and deep-water. The nonlinear interaction matrix is symmetrical with respect to its frequency indices. The value of this nonlinear interaction matrix may, therefore, be calculated only from two octants in the w[subscript m]-w[subscript n] in plane. Water particle kinematics are computed from the simulated sea surface by three different Transfer Functions; viz., (1) Linear Frequency Domain (LFD), (2) Hybrid Frequency Domain (HFD), (3) Ncnlinear Frequency Domain (NFD). Wave pressure forces on a circular cylindrical pile are computed at approximately the mid-depth location in the time domain by the Morrison equation using the Dean and Aagaard coefficients. The statistics of these wave pressure forces are derived by the moment generating function approach by assuming that the initial sea surfaces are linear and Gaussian. The statistics of these simulated sea surfaces and wave pressure forces are compared with those recorded during Hurricane Carla (1961) in the Gulf of Mexico. In the sea surface simulation, the NSA method gives better agreement with the statistics from the measured sea surfaces than the DSA method does. However, there is no conclusion that can be drawn out the wave forces which are simulated from only one record (WPII No. 6887).
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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