Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Growth and production of salmonids exposed to a stabilized Kraft mill effluent in experimental stream channels

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  • The growth and production of brown trout, Salmo trutta Linnaeus, exposed to a concentration of 0.65 mg/l BOD (4.1 percent by volume) stabilized kraft mill effluent (KME) were studied from October 1973 until May 1974 in three experimental stream channels located near a kraft mill in Albany, Oregon. Growth rate was generrally influenced by stream temperature and was modified by changing food biomass until April, as productivities of the streams for fish constantly changed. On the basis of theoretical production-biomass and growth rate-biomass relationships developed from a model, there appeared to be no consistent adverse effect of 0.65 mg/l BOD SKME on the growth and production of brown trout. The model demonstrated possible periodic effects of SKME on growth and production. At times the fish may have been affected directly or indirectly through influences on the biomasses of important food organisms which were identified from analysis of trout stomach contents. In a separate experiment, the survival and development of steelhead, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, embryos and alevins were not adversely affected by the 0.65 mg/l BOD concentration of SKME in spawning channels under adequate conditions of water flow and dissolved oxygen concentrations.
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