Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Quasi-TEM and full wave numerical methods for the characterization on microstrip discontinuities

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  • Static and dynamic numerical techniques which are suited for the analysis and simulation of various planar microstrip components encountered in hybrid and monolithic microwave integrated circuits are presented. The static analysis makes use of an excess source formulation in conjunction with an efficient mathematical treatment to extract the discontinuity parameter for single and coupled microstrip bend discontinuities. The boundary value problem is solved in a moment method procedure where surface currents on a triangular sub domain are employed as basis functions for inductance calculations. Surface charges of constant magnitude together with their multiple images are used as expansion functions on a triangular domain for capacitive computations. Two port equivalent circuit parameters are computed for single microstrip bends of variable bend angle and chamfer ratio. Equivalent circuits for the coupled microstrip bend four port are proposed and the circuit parameters are also computed for various bend angles. In the second part of this work, a rigorous full wave analysis for shielded, passive microstrip components on a multilayered sub- strate is presented. The distinct feature of this technique is a novel, efficient formulation for establishing the system matrix in the moment method procedure which allows the derivation of the elements of any large matrix by a linear combination of elements in a precomputed index table. The table is obtained from a two-dimensional, discrete fast Fourier transform. In the moment method procedure, the two dimensional surface current is represented by locally defined rooftop functions. The effect of the resonant modes, associated with the metallic enclosure on the numerical procedure are examined. Numerical results for various discontinuities including the microstrip open end, right angled bend with and without the compensated corner are computed by using the resonant technique and compared with other published computational and experimental data.
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