Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effect of certain production factors and rates of gain on carcass characteristics of beef steers

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  • The purpose of the present study was to determine the association of initial weight, average daily gain, days on feed, percent total digestible nutrients (TDN) and percent digestible protein in the ration with USDA carcass grade, marbling score, conformation score, back fat thickness and area of longissimus dorsi of beef steers. The source of the data was 1098 beef steers from eight experiments conducted by members of Oregon State University faculty from 1962 through 1966. The statistical analyses provided simple correlation coefficients between the production factors and carcass characteristics. Also obtained were the multiple regression prediction equations of the carcass characteristics using the production factors as the independent variables. Initial weight was significantly (P <. 01) correlated with back fat thickness (-0. 155), conformation score (-0. 439) and area of longissimus dorsi (0. 394). Days on feed was significantly (P <. 01) correlated with carcass grade (0. 503), marbling score (0. 346), conformation score (0. 413), back fat thickness (0. 149) and area of longissimus dorsi (-0. 261). Average daily gain was significantly (P <. 01) correlated with carcass grade (0. 145), marbling score (0. 121), conformation score (0. 25), back fat thickness (0. 179) and area of longissimus dorsi (0. 188). Percent digestible protein in the ration was significantly (P <. 01) correlated with carcass grade (0. 308), marbling score (0. 347), and back fat thickness (0. 251). Multiple regression equations using initial weight, average daily gain, days on feed and percent digestible protein as independent variables accounted for 52. 9%, 32% and 30. 9% of the variation in carcass grade, marbling score and conformation score, respectively. The multiple regression equation using initial weight, average daily gain and percent digestible protein as independent variables accounted for 14. 8% of the variation in back fat thickness. The multiple regression equation using initial weight, days on feed and percent total digestible nutrients as independent variables accounted for 21. 3% of the variation in area of longissimus dorsi.
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