Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The Riddle nickel enterprise : a study of resource geography

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  • This thesis presents a mineral geography study of the Riddle nickel development, which is the largest known nickel deposit, and the only nickel producing mine in the United States. The study appraises conditions for development, including character of the deposit, spatial relationships to the market, and the influence of government in establishment o the industry. The economic impact of the project on the national, state, and local level is appraised. IOreIt on Nickel Mountain was recognized in 1864, but its identity as nickel was not confirmed until 1882. Early development attempts all failed chiefly because of the unfavorable location of the deposit and the difficulty of smelting the complex ore. Following World War II, the Hanna Development Company carried out extensive geological and metallurgical testing to determine the possibility of economically exploiting the Riddle nickel depesit. On January 16, 1953, the Government and Hanna negotiated a contract whereby the Government supplied the needed capital to construct the smelter, and agreed to purchase the ferronickel produced by Hanna. The contract was partially terminated on April 20, 1962, at which time Hanna purchased the smelter, and sales of ferronickel to the Government were terminated. Hanna now sells ferronickel in competition with other nickel producers. Hanna production at Riddle supplies 13% of the United Statest demand, resulting in decrease of United States dependence on imports. Company purchases of raw materials, payrolls, and employee influx has stimulated the local, state, and national economy. However, distance to the market has been and continues to be a major problem. The Riddle nickel enterprise demonstrates the importance of government activity in mineral geography, and exemplifies results that can be obtained through cooperation between government and private industry.
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