Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

SIDAC-I a simulated digital-analog computer

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  • SIDAC-I is a digital analog simulator which permits analog as well as hybrid simulations to be programmed on a digital computer. FORTRAN, a scientific computer language, may be included as an integral part of the SIDAC-I simulation language. The simulator consists of a controller program and a set of predefined functional subroutines representing the standard analog computer elements and logical components. Being aware of having the simulator written for a relatively small computer, all the predefined functional subroutines were designed to be independent of the main program and other functional subprograms so that only the functions which are required to solve a certain problem have to be loaded into the computer. This technique of simulation provides not only time saving opportunity, but more space in the core memory for larger simulation problems as well. To implement accurate integration with a high degree of stability SIDAC-I uses the second-order Runge-Kutta integration method. It includes a capability and high degree of flexibility for modifying the parameters and initial conditions. In addition to this, SIDAC-I is capable of accepting some additional computation time to carry on the computation from a point starting with the previous termination time. Although SIDAC-I does not provide the outstanding man-machine rapport all the desirable features that it has will take some of the burden from the man-machine interface.
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