Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Stability under the federal sustained yield unit system : assessing the achievement of community stability in the Lakeview Unit

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  • A descriptive model of community stability is developed which can be used to gauge the achievement of community stability in federal sustained yield units. Community stability is defined which provides the framework on which the model was created. The achievement of the four goals of the 1944 Sustained Yield Act is tested using indicators. The four goals are the achievement of stability in the forest industries, in employment, in taxable forest wealth and in the community. Indicators used are: forest industries - production, efficiency and investment; employment - employment trend, unemployment and regional share (shift-share analysis); taxable forest wealth - real property; community - birth rate, age class distribution, median family income, number below poverty level, number of food stamp recipients, divorce rate, suicide rate and crime rates. The model is described and tested using the Lakeview Federal Sustained Yield Unit as an example. Lake County figures are used to represent the communities in the Federal Sustained Yield Unit. In most cases these figures are compared to Klamath and Harney counties' figures. Community stability in the Lakeview Federal Sustained Yield Unit was found to have been achieved.
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