Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Selected variables influencing vacant urban land in Corvallis, Oregon

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  • The thesis presented here is a quantitative study of vacant urban land in Corvallis, Oregon. In order to present this study the writer first studied the available literature and found that little had been published dealing with causal factors of vacant urban land. Rather, it was found that several writers had mentioned vacant urban land in various studies, but few had studied it from a causal standpoint. In light of this finding, the writer developed a linear equation and selected several spatial variables in order to attempt to express, quantitatively, what factors might influence the amount and distribution of vacant urban land in Corvallis. To accomplish the purpose of the equation a grid system consisting of thirty acre squares was superimposed over a base map of Corvallis that contained the actual . distribution of the vacant parcels within the city area. The focal point of the grid was the highest value corner of the central business district. The grid system enabled the writer to develop the initial variables into two dependent variables and five independent variables. The dependent variables were based on the vacant parcels directly. The independent variables were based on the factors that would, it was felt, best explain the amount and distribution of the vacant urban land. Having accomplished this purpose, the variables were analyzed by a computer utilizing standard multivariate statistical techniques. From an analysis of the data the writer was able to examine the role of each variable selected in explaining the amount and distribution of the vacant urban land in Corvallis, Oregon.
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