Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A human factors analysis of the occupational safety and health of public transit bus drivers

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  • The overall goals of this research were to identify the major human factors problems in the mass transit driver cockpit, to identify the operational activities, and vehicle components that are most likely to produce accidents and injuries and to investigate, through an in-depth study, the most hazardous human factors problems. A review of related literature set the stage for investigating potential hazards. The literature review included articles involving relevant design aspects of related vehicles such as trucks and automobiles along with research specifically focusing, on transit buses. Discussions with transit agency officials and a one day workshop with several transit related groups were employed to provide an awareness of the most pressing problems. Observational research techniques including driver interviews were then used to clarify the problems, and workers' compensation files were analyzed to gather quantitative information on driver injuries. A thorough analysis of the data collected from driver interviews and analysis of the data collected from driver interviews and workers' compensation reports pointed out two major classes of injuries injuries related to the seat and injuries related to vehicle steering. The problems involved both the seat itself - its mechanical strength and durability, and the relationship of the seat to other vehicle controls-particularly the steering wheel and foot pedals. An anthropometric study of three transit bus cockpits indicated that some driver injuries could be reduced or eliminated by improving the relationship between the driver's seat and the vehicle controls. Specifically, the driver's seat. could have a wider range of adjustments and the pedal controls could be moved further forward from the steering wheel.
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