Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Studies of soluble particulate isocitrate-nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate-oxidoreductase activities during development of the chick embryo

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  • Isocitrate-NADP oxidoreductase activity in mitochondrial and soluble fractions was determined for hearts, livers and brains of chick embryos at various stages of development. One-half to two-thirds of the activity in brain and liver homogenates is located in the soluble fraction. Supernatant activity increases in these organs to a maximum during the latter one-third of development. This increase is correlated with the accumulation of lipids in these tissues and is pressured to furnish reduced NADP for fatty acid synthesis. Most of the activity in heart homogenates is located in the mitochondrial fraction. Particulate activity increases in all three organs during development. This increase is correlated with a general rise in capacity for oxidative metabolism. Possibly the particulate enzyme also functions in reductive synthesis. Heat inactivation studies indicate the particulate and soluble isocitrate-NADP oxidoreductase activities have different isozymic make-ups. A low level of isocitrate-NAD oxidoreductase activity was also demonstrated in some preparations. In no preparation was this activity demonstrated to be greater than ten percent of the NADP dependent activity. The RNA, DNA and nitrogen contents of hearts, livers and brains of chick embryos at various stages of development were also determined.
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