Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Information processing errors in linear feedback control systems

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  • This report is concerned with the analysis of the effect of finite wordlength, channel capacity and source rate in digital feedback control of linear systems. The cases considered are (1) finite wordlength A/D conversion, no feedback delay, ideal ROM (read only memory) controller; (2) finite A/D wordlength (source rate), state feedback delay with fixed-point computer execution of prediction and control algorithms; (3) finite A/D wordlength, state feedback delay with floating-point computer execution of prediction and control algorithms. In each case, a sufficient condition for the system stability is given, which is the existence of a bound on the mean-square state regulator error, showing the effects of computer wordlength, A/D wordlength (source rate) and channel capacity on the system performance. In fixed-point computer control, computer round off error does not permit arbitrarily fine regulation, and the feedback channel may fail to stabilize an open-loop-unstable system. In floatingpoint computer control, the effect of round off error appears as a perturbation matrix in the transition matrix, and there is a tradeoff between channel capacity, source rate and computer wordlength for system stability.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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