Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Affection in the Workplace : Personality, Perceptions & Affection

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  • Humans have a desire for a connection among others, and they also have a desire for both giving and receiving affection, regardless of class, age, gender, cultural or religious backgrounds. There is a plethora of research on the health benefits for both giving and receiving affection in romantic and family relationships. However, there is a lack of research about the benefits of receiving affection in the workplace. The general discourse surrounding workplace affection is negative because it is viewed as inappropriate in a workplace setting. However, affection is innate and humans are adept at giving and receiving affection. In fact, there are consequences on a person’s mental and physical health when this desire is not met. Therefore, the objective of this study was to understand if affection in the workplace could be beneficial on an employee’s perception of stress, depression, and job satisfaction. Also, to learn if the personality characteristics self-esteem, introversion and trait affection impact perceptions of affection in the workplace. The study found that personality characteristics do play a role in perceptions of received coworker affection. The study also found that affection does have an impact on stress, depression and job satisfaction.
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