Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study to determine the competencies necessary for a volunteer teacher of English as a second language

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  • This study had four objectives, the major one being the identification of minimum competencies for volunteer English as a second language teachers in four settings: the Community College, the University, the Elementary/ Secondary School, and the Volunteer Organization. A second objective was to identify the common competencies required by professional and volunteer ESL teachers in the four settings. The comparison of competencies required by teachers across the settings was the third objective. The final objective was to formulate recommendations to serve as the basis for curriculum in ESL volunteer teacher training programs. A sixty-item questionnaire was submitted to a population of ninety-five respondents, volunteer and professional teachers distributed among the four settings. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and factor analysis. Selected Findings The one-way analysis of variance revealed that no significant difference existed among the scores assigned by personnel regarding the importance of 52 of the 60 competencies for volunteer teachers. The two-way analysis of variance indicated that no significant difference existed among scores assigned by personnel regarding the importance of 40 of the competencies for any ESL teacher. Fifty-eight of the competencies were revealed to be differentially important for volunteer and professional ESL teachers. No significant interaction existed between settings and types of personnel. The R-mode factor analysis was used to identify common competencies for volunteer ESL teachers. A five factor solution generated 58 competencies that had factor loadings of +̲ .45 or higher. Factors identified were: I - Linguistics II - Pedagogy III - Academic Preparation and Curriculum Development IV - Methodology and Integration of ESL V - Language Learning Variables. Selected Recommendations 1. The 20 competencies identified as important for volunteer ESL teachers could form the basis of a training curriculum. 2. The 57 competencies identified as important for professional teachers could form the basis for certification for professionals. 3. Competency-based volunteer training programs could be established to form a sub-set of professional training programs. 4. Evaluation based upon the 20 competencies of existing volunteer training programs should be made.
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