Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Experimental taxonomy, 1930-1950 : the impact of cytology, ecology, and genetics on ideas of biological classification

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  • During the years between 1930 and 1950 a number of attempts were made to introduce techniques and ideas from cytology, ecology, and genetics into the field of taxonomy. Advocates of this "experimental taxonomy" believed that cytological, ecological, and genetic techniques would provide a rigorous, objective methodology to replace the traditional descriptive methods of taxonomy. Between 1930 and 1950 a number of impressive experimental taxonomic research programs were instituted. Despite the enthusiastic activity in experimental taxonomy, the introduction of cytological, ecological, and genetic methods into taxonomy was problematic. Taxonomists who borrowed from other biological fields were not taking methods and ideas from fully "mature" sciences. Cytology, ecology, and genetics were themselves going through major theoretical and methodological changes. The integration of methods and ideas from a number of complex, semi-autonomous biological disciplines was difficult. Experimental taxonomists, themselves, disagreed on the form this integration should take. Finally, although experimental taxonomy proved to be a viable and fruitful line of research, it did not constitute a complete reform of general taxonomic theory and practice. By 1950 most taxonomists realized that experimental taxonomy was a valuable, but limited, area of research within the more comprehensive discipline of general systematics.
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