Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The design, construction and calibration of an instrumented surface for convective heat transfer studies

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  • The purpose of this thesis work has been the design, construction and calibration of an instrumented surface for convective heat transfer studies. The surface is in the form of a flat plate roughly 24 inches wide by 48 inches long. It is made up of 48 individual cells, laminated side-by-side and insulated from each other, which can be individually heated or cooled with water. This results in the ability to impose arbitrary boundary conditions with respect to surface temperature along the plate. The individual cells were laminated together in three layers. The upper surface facing the fluid stream is a copper strip which incorporates a thermocouple to measure surface temperature. The center section includes a 3/32 inch micarta thermal resistance with a thermopile wrapped around it and a thermocouple installed on one side to measure temperature. This was then cast into one piece with epoxy resin. The bottom of the sandwich is an aluminum tube which provides a hot or cold water supply to the instrumented plate. The thermopiles, which are included in 28 of the cells, were then calibrated to indicate heat flux between the aluminum tube and the copper surface. An average value for the thermopile response of 0.0528 mv/Btu/hr-ft² was found for all the calibration runs. Included in the body of the thesis are the construction details and calibration data which were obtained during the calibration of the instrument.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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