Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Unbleached flour high-ratio white cakes as affected by cream of tartar and variation in sugar/water level

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  • Unbleached-flour, high-ratio white cakes were prepared with -15, -10, -5, 0, +5 percent variations in sugar/water level from American Association of Cereal Chemists Method 10-90. Formulas with and without added cream of tartar were used. Specific gravity, batter and crumb pH, volume, crumb and crust color and compressibility were objectively measured. Seven trained judges participated in sensory evaluation for cell uniformity, cell compactness, layering, grain, tenderness, moistness, softness, crumb color, flavor, half-cake shape and surface characteristics, evenness and degree of browning. Analysis of variance showed a significant difference at the 0.05 level between bleached flour control and unbleached flour cakes for specific gravity, crumb pH, volume, crust hue characteristics, compressibility, cell compactness, layering, grain, softness, tenderness, moisture, crumb color, flavor, half-cake shape and surface, degree and evenness of crust browning. Cream of tartar in unbleached flour cakes caused a significant difference in crumb pH. Sugar/water level variation caused significant difference in crumb color and evenness of browning.
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