Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Diffusion bonding of large substrate MECS devices based on differential thermal expansion

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  • Diffusion bonding has been widely used within microlamination architectures for the fabrication of Micro Energy and Chemical Systems (MECS). MECS are microsystems with the ability to process bulk amounts of fluid within highly-parallel microchannel arrays capable of accelerated heat and mass transfer. Thus far, diffusion bonding of microchannel arrays is commonly done in a vacuum hot press system. The use of the hot press greatly restricts the production rate due to vacuum pump-down time and heating-up and cooling-down periods. Furthermore, larger substrates are gaining interest in the system design of MECS devices and it is not apparent that uniaxial pressing within a hydraulic vacuum hot press will provide the bonding pressure uniformity necessary for large substrate bonding. This thesis presents a novel fabrication approach for the high-volume thermal bonding of large substrate MECS devices with the use of controlled thermal expansion. A large substrate thermal bonding clamp based on the principle of differential thermal expansion was developed with focus on controlling the bonding pressure magnitude, timing, sensitivity and uniformity.
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