Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study of feeding value and potential toxicity of pulp mill single cell protein in ruminants

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  • The objectives of this study were to evaluate the feeding value and potential toxicity of single cell protein (SCP) when fed to ruminants. Three in vivo digestibility trials with lambs, one feedlot trial with steers and one long term feeding trial of high levels of SCP with sheep were conducted to accomplish the objectives of this study. The in vivo digestibility trial with lambs showed that the SCP was utilized efficiently by the lambs at both 50 and 100% crude protein (CP) replacements of cottonseed meal (CSM). Supplementation of urea in the presence of SCP tended to increase (P<.05) the digestibility coefficients of the dietary nutrients. Performance of the feedlot steers fed increased levels of CP supplementation from SCP were similar (P>.05) to CSM supplemented steers. There were increased (P<.05) Cd concentrations in the liver and spleen of steers fed with SCP protein supplementations. There were no toxicity problems due to any heavy metals present in the.SCP. Histological examinations further revealed no uncommon pathological signs in liver, kidney or muscle of the steers. The long term feeding of growing sheep showed a significant increase of Cd concentrations in the liver (.445 and .614 ppm) and kidney (1.286 and 1.236 ppm) of sheep that were fed with Grays Harbor and Port Angeles SCP. Significant amounts of Pb (1.421 ppm) were found in the liver of sheep that were fed with Port Angeles SCP. However, the levels of Cd and Pb concentrated in these tissues were not considered too high to cause any ill effect to the sheep or to humans as a major consumer of animal products. Performance of the sheep throughout the experimental period was normal except for severe diarrhea in the group fed high levels of polyacrylamide which was used to concentrate the SCP during the drying process.
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