Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Development of network location algorithm for resource planning and management

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  • Algorithms capable of automatically drawing Resource Planning and Management (RPM) network models from standard Linear Programming data files are developed. An RPM network is a unique graphical representation that is capable of representing both the primal and the dual model of a mathematical programming problem on a same network model. Each primal decision variable and each dual (Lagrange Multiplier) variable is represented by a node in an RPM network. Unlike a CPM-PERT network, an RPM network must be able to include feedback loops, three different types of nodes, and two types of arrows connecting these nodes. The algorithms presented in this thesis can replace the tedious task of manually drawing an RPM network by an automated computer plotting system which includes a node location algorithm and an arrow routing algorithm. Five different types of algorithms were investigated for the node location problem: rectilinear model, directionaly weighted model, acyclic convergence model, squared distance model, and two-phase model. The two-phase model, the final choice of algorithm, is based upon the basic idea of "pairwise interchange" procedure commonly used for optimizing a facility layout location problem. A special cost evaluation function is developed to realize the technological ordering of nodes. The first phase checks the relative locations of nodes in terms of technological order, while the second phase evaluates the optimality of the resulting configuration. The arrow routing algorithm also consists of two phases: a pin-position ordering model and an open space routing model. The former deals with the ordering of all arrow connections at a node, while the latter uses the concept of macro-routing and macro-tracking to funnel the flows through the open space. The two phases are treated independently but are used jointly to provide a visually balanced and easily understood network drawings. The feasibility of these algorithms was verified by constructing a computerized RPM Network Designer (RAMNED) on a Control Data Corporation Computer Cyber-70 Model 73 and a Gerber flatbed plotter. The program accepts an industry standard input data (IBM's MPS, CDC's APEX, or OSU's REX) for Linear Programming, and automatically produces a finished copy of the network on the flat-bed plotter. The current version of RAMNED is capable of handling up to 70 nodes. Each node may have up to five inflow and five outflow arrows in addition to a flow to an objective function. Computational time requirement varied from 7.9 to 126.0 cpu seconds for a number of problems ranging from 9 to 68 nodes.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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