Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Chemical characterization of asphalt cements using chromatographic techniques : relation to rheological properties and field performance

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  • This dissertation presents the findings of a literature review and information regarding selection, implementation and development of a chemical composition procedure for asphalt cements. The chemical composition analysis selected was the Corbett-Swarbrick procedure standarized as ASTM D4124. The procedure is a selective adsorption / desorption (solid / liquid) chromatography which separates asphalts in four distinct generic fractions. During the implementation of the Corbett-Swarbrick method, a number of refinements were made to improve its efficiency. These are presented in a comprehensive user manual as an appendix of this dissertation. The chemical procedure selected in conjunction with other rheological measurements of asphalt was used in a comprehensive study to characterize asphalt pavement material properties. Eight highway projects located throughout the State of Oregon were included in the present research. The highway projects were chosen to represent a wide variety of environmental and traffic conditions. Asphalt fractional composition was statistically related to asphalt theological properties and asphalt temperature susceptibility. Asphalt material properties were also included in the selection of prediction models and related to pavement performance. Fractional composition was also used for the evaluation of four different asphalt extraction / recovery procedures and the evaluation of a pressure oxygen bomb device, used for asphalt laboratory aging. The major findings of the research were: Fractional compositional analysis of asphalt showed that recovered asphalt may not represent the same characteristics of the actual asphalt present in the mix. Some rheological properties of asphalt showed good correlation to asphalt composition in the higher temperature range. At lower temperature, however, relationships were more scattered. Different temperature susceptibility parameters have different relationships with chemical fractional composition, and, do not correlate with each other. Different extraction / recovery procedures yield different chemical fractional composition for the same asphalt. Pavement performance statistically relates to groups of asphalt properties and asphalt mix properties.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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