Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Geology and structure of the Brothers Fault Zone in the central part of the Millican SE quadrangle, Deschutes County, Oregon

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  • The thesis is a structural and petrographic study of approximately 23 square miles in the Millican SE quadrangle, Deschutes County, Oregon. The area lies along the Brothers fault zone. Bedrock in the area is of Pliocene to Recent age and consists of an older basaltic unit with an associated dacite, a younger dacite, and a younger basaltic unit. The older basaltic unit and both dacites have been severely faulted. The younger basaltic unit has filled in topographic lows and is relatively undeformed. The dominant faults in the area are en echelon high-angle normal faults trending N. 40°W. with vertical displacements up to 600 feet. Cross faults with smaller displacements trend N. 45°E. The normal faults are Reidel and conjugate Reidel shears and are interpreted as the surface expression of a deep-seated right lateral displacement. The fault zone displaces units of Miocene to Pleistocene age and is considered to have been active during that time.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 24-bit Color) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR. Plates: Master map file scanned at 600 dpi, 24-bit color on a Paradigm ImagePRO GxT 42 HD (OEM version of ColortracSmartLF Bx 42). Image manipulated by SmartLF1.3.05.



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