Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Networked Multi-agent Modeling of Connected Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Environment: A Decentralized Consensus Approach

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  • Transportation systems are facing safety and operational challenges with a cost of billions of dollars annually in lost production time and wasted fuel. Infrastructure expansion, previously held as a panacea to most transportation challenges has lost its appeal due to financial, land-use and environmental constraints. Interest is surging in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and connected-automated vehicles (CAV) as potential solutions. Enabled by communication technology, connected vehicle can exchange probe data to enhance safety and mobility. Although the safety benefits of connected vehicle are not contested, their operational benefits are the subject of heated debate. There is a practical urgency to fill the knowledge gap related to the transition period from the existing transportation system dominated by ordinary vehicles to one with a full fleet of connected vehicles. Understanding the potential scenarios during this transformative period willaid decision makers in outlining strategies and enacting mitigation measures that can guarantee a smooth transition into the impending transportation revolution. A flexible open source platform, based on SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility), has been developed to simulate connected vehicle INFLO (Intelligent Network Flow Optimization) applications in a multi-lane corridor with mixed connected and ordinary vehicles. These applications consist of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), Dynamic speed Harmonization (DSH-HARM) and Queue-Warning (QWARN). Using a well-known data-set, NGSIM I-80 freeway data, vehicle trajectory reconstructed from video have been parsed and incrementally increasing market diffusion of connected vehicles and different communication range were simulated ensuring the same naturalistic driving characteristic as observed in the original data-set. Traffic performance measures, communication network properties and dynamical stability of the system have been assessed to determine the impact of connected vehicles on existing transportation facilities. Several potential scenarios have been considered including the spatio-temporal distribution of connected vehicles, queue formation, heterogeneous connected vehicles and managed lane. The research problem has been formulated as a networked dynamical system, where vehicles form connected vehicle networks (CVN) and through the exchange of travel related attributes they alter their driving decision. The key elements of this networked dynamical system are: vehicle dynamics, vehicle connectivity and vehicle cooperation. From the interaction of this triad, emergent behavior such as convergence to consensus, synchronization or flocking can be observed. A key tenet of this work is the reliance on a decentralized approach to vehicle cooperation andcontrol, which averts the drawbacks associated with centralized control in terms of network resilience, ease and speed of computation and finally infrastructure cost. Increased market penetration of connected vehicles results in the reduction of travel time and improvement of travel time reliability. With high market penetration (75- 100%) showing a 20% reduction in travel time. Moreover, lane capacity is observed to increase from medium market penetration (40-60%) of connected vehicles. The traffic flow stabilizes in the high market penetration with the flow being confined in the free flow section of the fundamental diagram. Due to the constantly changing CVN topology, the effective communication range has minimal to no impacts on the effectiveness of connected vehicles in all simulated scenarios. However, marginal benefits are observed for heterogeneous connected vehicles and queue warning scenario with higher communication range. Managed lanes, as travel management strategy during the initial CV deployment stages, have been shown to outperform all scenarios in terms of travel time reduction, increase in travel time reliability, capacity and network robustness. A word of caution is warranted to this rosy picture. The benefits that increased market penetration of connected vehicles is expected to generate, should be viewed in a wider context. Information related to traffic state downstream helps drivers to enact maneuver that improve the overall traffic condition. However, this response comes into effect through throttle control, by accelerating or deceleration, which may have negative impact on emission control.
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Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Existing Confidentiality Agreement
Embargo date range
  • 2018-01-23 to 2019-11-28



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