Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An analysis of attitude change occuring among intern teachers during their internship year in the Portland urban teacher education program

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  • The study was designed to determine the attitudes of intern teachers toward specified concepts as they began their internship in the Portland Urban Teacher Education Program and upon completion of their intern training, prior to receiving certification through Oregon State University. The direction and intensity of attitude change across the entire training population was studied. Also, the direction and intensity of attitude change between selected segments of the training population was analyzed. The specific questions formulated to investigate this study were: 1. Over a three year P. U. T. E. P. training period, will black male and female interns perceive concepts differently than the white male and female interns trained over the same three year period? 2. Over a three year P.U. T. E.P. training period, will black and white interns under 30 years of age perceive concepts differently than black or white interns over 30 years of age? 3. Over the three year P. U. T. E. P. training period, will black and white interns with social science teaching norms perceive concepts differently than black and white interns who have non-social science teaching norms? 4. Will black and white interns trained during the first year of P.U. T. E. P. (1969-70), perceive concepts differently than black and white interns trained during the program's second year? 5. Will black and white interns trained during the second year of P. U. T. E. P. (1970-71), perceive concepts differently than black and white interns trained during the program's third year? 6. Will black and white interns trained during the first year of P. U. T. E. P. perceive concepts differently than black and white interns trained during the third year (1971-72)? Procedure The procedure utilized to measure the change in intern's attitude from the time of entry into P. U. T. E. P. to the time of certification was for the investigator to administer the Semantic Differential (Appendix A) in a pre-test/post-test design as outlined by Snider and Osgood (1969). The raw scores were compiled and recorded according to population category. The Semantic Differential administered in the study had three basic elements: 1) the concept to be evaluated in terms of its semantic or attitudinal properties, 2) the polar adjective pairs anchoring the scale, and 3) a series of undefined scale positions arranged to represent a seven-step series. Approximately 10 months of training took place between the administration of the pre-test and the post-test. Ten specified concepts were included in the Semantic Differential used in the study. These were: 1. Teacher 6. Disciplining 2. Objectives 7. Adolescent 3. Evaluation 8 Drop- Out 4. Curriculum 9. Supervision 5. Learning 10. Success Each of the ten concepts was later included in the final analysis of intern's attitudinal change. Analysis of Data One basic statistical tool was utilized for this study: the two-way analysis of covariance with unequal n's utilizing the F test. As Courtney and Sedgwick (1969) described it, the analysis of covariance is a statistical technique which combines the concepts of variance and regression to handle situations where the researcher cannot completely control all the variables in his study. The analysis of covariance was used as a statistical procedure for testing the significance of differences among means, accounting for the influence of uncontrolled factors in the experiment. Summary of Findings 1. The racial differences within the P. U. T. E. P. intern population was significant in relationship to attitudes held by groups of interns within any of the three training cycles. Black interns perceived concepts differently at the end of their training. So did white interns. However, white intern's perceptions were quite different from black intern's perceptions. 2. The age of the intern effected attitude toward four of the ten concepts. These four concepts were EVALUATION, DROP-OUT ADOLESCENT, and DISCIPLINING. 3. The teaching norm field of interns was not a viable determinant in the attitudinal change which did occur within the total intern group. On nine of the ten concepts utilized in the study, interns with social science teaching norms did not perceive the concepts in a significantly different way than interns with non-social science teaching norms. Only on the concept CURRICULUM was there an instance of significant difference. 4. The particular year or training cycle which interns participated in P. U. T. E. P. was an indicator of intern's attitudinal change. During each of the three training cycles included in the study, there were significant differences in intern perception between any two of the three years.
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