Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The relationship of temperature to pupal development rates of the western cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran

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  • Adult emergence studies conducted with Rhagoletis indifferens Curran reveal that diapause development in this insect is completed most rapidly at approximately 3°C. These results coupled with those reported by Brown (1978) confirm that chilling at 3°C. for ca. 200 days is best when high percent emergence, good synchrony of emergence, and relatively rapid completion of diapause development is required. Studies comparing emergence of field collected insects with that of insects chilled in the laboratory show that in 1978 diapause development in the field was near completion by the end of February. Similar studies may be necessary to pinpoint the end of diapause in the field population in any given year. A standard method was used to determine the thermal developmental threshold for use in degree-day models for adult emergence. This method yielded a value of 10.2°C. A slightly modified version of this standard method yielded a threshold of 11.7°C. A third method was used which entailed weighting data on the basis of the proportional occurrence of experimental incubation temperatures in the field. This method yielded a threshold value of 8.3°C. Comparison of the three thresholds using field emergence and temperature data for a five year period indicated that a model based upon the 8.3°C base threshold performed with less variation from year to year than did models based upon the other two thresholds.
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