Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Oregon outdoor garments : outdoor garments worn in the Willamette Valley and Eastern Oregon regions between 1880 to 1920

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  • The purpose of this study was to describe women's outdoor garments worn in Oregon from 1880 to 1920 to determine whether there were garment differences between the Willamette Valley and Eastern Oregon. The question addressed was: can garment differences be explained by the different Oregon climates, geographic locations, and availability of goods throughout Oregon during this time? Harper's Bazar and The Ladies' Home Journal were used to identify popular outdoor garment styles by date. A data collection instrument was developed using other instruments and secondary sources as guides. The form allowed collection of information about garment construction, fiber and fabric, and style. Various historical societies and museums throughout Oregon were visited and extant garments from various historical clothing collections were analyzed, photographed, and drawn to scale. When available, information about the original owner and use of the outdoor garments were collected. The information was coded, and it was determined that the sample was too small to statistically determine if there were regional outdoor garment differences. Therefore, frequencies were analyzed and compared. There were some regional garment differences, but they do not appear to be the result of climate and geographic differences. Differences were most likely due to the availability of ready-to-wear outdoor garments and materials. Some outdoor garments were used only for special occasions, while others were worn by multiple family members over a long period of time.
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