Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Routine and post-accident analysis of nuclear power plant reactor coolant

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  • The 1979 incident at Three Mile Island drew attention to weaknesses in the capability to obtain and analyze reactor coolant samples in an environment where the reactor core incurs significant damage. As a result, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission promulgated regulations requiring that reactor coolant analytical capabilities be upgraded so they could function in such an environment. The "upgrades" primarily involved the ability to safely obtain a representative sample within the count rate capabilities of the detection system and to deduce useful information from the analysis. Different designs and techniques were developed for fulfilling these regulatory requirements; however, the constraints in an environment of severe core damage make it very difficult to test the feasibility of specific design features and to determine the type of information that would be most useful to operators. To examine issues associated with post-accident monitoring, the Electric Power Research Institute funded a research project, the scope of which included, among other items, four specific radiological factors associated with routine and post-accident monitoring. The study of these four factors, evaluations of on-line monitoring versus grab sample analysis, count rate reduction factors obtainable by and spectral effects of variable aperture collimation, use of key radionuclides in assessing fuel pin integrity under both normal and abnormal reactor conditions, and possible spectral interferences from fission product releases at elevated core temperatures, provided the substance for this research report. A description of the four individual studies along with results are reported in four separate chapters. Aconclusions chapter is used to summarize the key findings of the research effort.
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