Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Universal design standards for single-family housing

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  • The purpose of this study was to determine the level of awareness and use of selected universal design features and products in single-family housing by Oregon housing contractors. Also researched were barriers and incentives to use as well as the position and opinions of these housing contractors on the viability of universal design standards becoming part of the residential building code. This study used a self-administered, mail survey questionnaire developed by the researcher. The Dillman Total Design Method (Dillman, 1978) was used as the basis for the survey instrument and its administration. A random sample of housing contractors indicating single-family residential construction as a primary focus of business was taken from the Oregon Construction Contractors' Board list. One hundred sixty-four surveys were returned for use in analysis. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, mean, and frequency distributions. Paired sample t-tests were used to determine differences between awareness and use of universal design. Multiple regression and Pearson correlations were used to compare universal design use and selected demographic characteristics. Paired sample t-tests determined whether or not added cost to implement universal design affected use. Kendall's tau tests compared viability and mandated use of universal design as part of the building code. The MANOVA test compared current voluntary use and housing contractors' opinions about specified characteristics of universal design. These analyses found that of Oregon housing contractors surveyed, there was a greater awareness than use of universal design, which was significant. Barriers and incentives to use were important considerations in the process of adopting universal design. Cost and demand by clients were most often cited. A majority of respondents felt that incorporating universal design standards as part of the building code was a viable idea, even though they disagreed with it. Specified demographic characteristics of housing contractors did not play a significant role in either awareness or use of universal design. Added cost to implement universal design was found to be associated with its use. The more there was an indication of additional cost, the less the use of universal design.
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