Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The species composition and adaptations of insects in an intermittent stream in western Oregon

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  • The insect fauna of a small second order intermittent stream near Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon was studied. The species composition was determined, attempts were made to monitor migration to the stream, qualitative and quantitative benthos samples were taken, emergence was sampled, the dry stream bed was examined for forms of aquatic life, and some species were studied under laboratory conditions. About 58 species of aquatic insects from eight orders were collected from the stream. Forty-eight of the 58 (about 83%) appear to have colonized the stream via aerial movements of adults from permanent waters. The remainder (ten of the 58, or about 17%) were able to colonize the stream without spending the summer dry period in a permanent body of water. These species survived the summer either in the dry stream bed as eggs (the mayfly Centroptilum elsa Traver), larvae (the corydalid Protochauliodes spenceri Munroe), or adults (the aquatic beetles Agabus confertus Le Conte and A. lugens Le Conte), or in the terrestrial environment as quiescent adults having an ovarial diapause (six species of Limnephilidae). The drought resistant eggs of C. elsa and the ovarial diapause of the limnephilid Hesperophylax incisus Banks were studied under laboratory conditions, and results are discussed. Life history information and general microhabitat preferences are given for most species, and the nature of the stream bed of an intermittent stream during the dry period is discussed as having an important influence on the species composition of a given intermittent stream.
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