Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A study of transportation practices and needs in the Willamette Basin, Oregon

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  • This study was undertaken to gather empirical data on the transportation practices of manufacturers, processors, and carriers in the Willamette Basin. Emphasis was placed on determining the adequacies of current transport facilities and the direction of future needs. Specific objectives were: (1) To identify the transportation practices of manufacturers and processors in terms of major industry groups by consumer market areas; (2) To establish the nature of the restrictions, if any, imposed on manufacturers or processors in the Willamette Basin in terms of export markets; (3) To establish a basic inventory of carrier facilities in the Willamette Basin and identify carrier deficiencies; (4) To project future transportation needs and patterns in the Wi11amette Basin; (5) To specifically determine the possible future role of the Willamette River in the development of a Willamette Basin transportation complex. The shipping practices of manufacturers and processors were studied to determine the relationship of transport practices to markets served. This required the development of data on primary markets by basic industry groups and by transport media used to reach these markets. Additionally the question of institutional. and organizational inefficiencies were distinguished from the problems of geographical locations of markets. An enumeration was made of carrier facilites in the Willamette Basin which revealed the magnitude of air passenger and freight operations, the usage of private and common carrier motor transport and the rail services available to Willamette Basin shippers. Results indicated the general absence of institutional and organizational inefficiencies in the existing transport sector. An analysis of the potential for development of the Willamette River indicated that transport and handling costs of industrial traffic on the Willamette River would exceed the costs of land transport even on the longest hauls. Fragmentary evidence indicated a possible future restriction may develop in terminal handling facilities, particularly facilities permitting intermodal transfers. Thus the hypothesis was advanced that investments in the development of terminal facilities might play a major role in the future development of the Willamette Basin's industrial development.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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