Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effect of production methods on quality of wheat seed

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  • The objective of this research was to identify the optimum cultural practices for the production of the highest quality wheat seed in Oregon. The production methods included locations, irrigation, N levels and seeding rates. The seed quality factors studied were seed weight, bushel weight, protein content and seedling vigor. Foundation seed of Hyslop and Yamhill cultivars of soft white winter wheat was planted at Hyslop Farm (40 inches rainfall), Pendleton (18 inches rainfall), and Moro (10 inches rainfall). Three N levels were applied at Hyslop Farm and Moro and two N levels at Pendleton. Four seeding rates were used at each location. The effects of supplemental irrigation were also studied at Hyslop Farm. Components of seed yield were studied at all locations to help explain the effects of production methods on seed quality. Of the four production practices, locations had the greatest effect on seed quality. Irrigation had more effect on seed quality than N or seeding rates. Little or no effect on seed yield was obtained with irrigation; however, irrigation should be used to improve seed quality. At Hyslop Farm, the highest seed quality and seed yield were both obtained with an application of 280 kg N/ha and a seeding rate of 112 kg/ha. At Moro production methods had no effect on seed quality. A combination of 56 kg N/ha and 43 kg seed/ha produced the highest seed yield so this was considered the best production practice. At Pendleton, 76 kg N and 14 kg seeding rate was the optimum cultural practice for highest seed quality in Hyslop. This optimum, however, involved a seed loss. In Yamhill, 188 kg N was the optimum for highest seed quality. The highest seed yield was obtained at 28 kg seed/ha within this N level; seeding rates, in Yamhill,had no effect on seed quality at the optimum N level.
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