Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A description of the processes and procedures used in the development of a merit-evaluation program for a middle-sized school district

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  • This was an historical study which described the procedures used by a thirteen-member committee in an attempt to develop a merit-evaluation program for a middle-sized school district in Oregon. A random sample of 33.5% of the certificated staff of School District 9 were interviewed in May, 1969. The results of those interviews indicated that 61.4% of the staff favored the development of a merit-evaluation program. Based on those results, a thirteen-member committee was elected to develop the program. Criteria for a merit-evaluation program were developed in the course of 20 meetings over a seven-month period of time. The composition of the committee, their procedures and the results of their efforts were reported in three phases. Phase I describes the eleven certificated personnel and two Board members who made up the Committee. Phase II reports the procedures used by the Committee members. All statements made by the members were classified according to the twelve categories of the Bales Interaction Process Analysis system. The twenty meetings were divided into five Sets of four meetings each. Set I was used as a prototype with which to compare the mean frequencies of each category in Sets II, III, IV and V. The t[subscript w]-test was used to determine significant change in the rate of verbal interaction. All test results which showed a significance probability of .10 were reported and representative statements in the categories were presented. Fourteen of the forty-eight categories showed a significant change in rate of classified responses. Phase III of the study reports the results of the Committee's efforts. Criteria adopted for the merit-evaluation program included; (1) the evaluation instrument; (2) the necessary qualifications of the evaluators; and (3) the evaluation procedures. The evaluation instrument contained 98 separate items which were divided into three major sections. Each item had a weighted value of 1 to 5 points. The three major sections of the instrument included (1) Personal Fitness; (2) Attitudes and Services; and (3) Teaching Power. The weighted values of the three sections ranged from 15 to 75, 14 to 75 and 69 to 345 respectively. Results of the Committee's action were as follows: 1. Evaluators would include all principals, department heads and interested persons who complete a training workshop. 2. Training, by competent instructors, would include the use of the adopted instrument as well as other criteria considered to be effective in measuring teaching competencies. 3. Teachers would have two plans for choosing their evaluators. Plan I included an evaluation by the principal and/or department chairman. Plan II provided a means for a team to do the evaluating. The members of the evaluating team would be selected by the teacher, the principal and/or the department chairman. 4. All evaluation ratings were to be decided only after classroom observation and a conference between the evaluator(s) and the teacher. 5. Provisions were made for one to advance on the district's salary schedule, three steps, two steps, one step or to remain at the present salary. The position on the salary schedule would be determined by the total number of points received on the evaluation instrument. 6. All administrators, supervisors and directors would be evaluated by the Superintendent's staff. The Superintendent's staff would be evaluated by the School Board. The program was accepted by the certificated staff and School Board in June, 1970.
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