Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Administrative principles and procedures of the agricultural experiment stations

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  • The successful agriculture of the United States is in part the result of the productive effort of the agricultural experiment stations. Students from different countries, throughout the world, have visited the United States to learn and observe the programs of the various experiment stations with the hope of being able to develop or foster similar organizations in their own countries. The purpose of this study was to acquaint the author, a student from Colombia, with the organization, administrative procedures and guiding philosophy of the agricultural experiment stations, typified by the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station. This study was accomplished by an evaluation of ideas and concepts gathered from personal visits with staff members of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station and by a review of the pertinent literature on the operation and development of such institutions. This study includes a review of the development and organization of the agricultural experiment stations and relates the relationship of the stations to the Cooperative State Experiment Station Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. The duties and qualifications of an administrator of an agricultural experiment station are discussed. The role of the research scientists and their contribution to the agricultural experiment station program were evaluated. The importance of effective communication, proper budgeting and organization were stressed. This study concludes with an attempt to review the current status of the agricultural experiment station in Colombia with suggestions on the improvement of this program based on the author's limited knowledge and experience gained from this work.
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