Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Single phase turbulent mixing between adjacent channels in rod bundles

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  • The turbulent interchange of matter between parallel adjacent subchannels in a simulated rod bundle for single phase flow was investigated to determine the effects of mass flow rate and rod spacing. The simulated rod bundle was made by placing six 1-inch diameter rods in a square-square array. The overall test section was 42.5 inches in length with a 16-inch entrance section, a 16-inch mixing section and a 10.5-inch exit section. The test section was built so that several rod spacings could be investigated. Water was used as the fluid for the system and it flowed in the axial direction of the rods. The turbulent mixing was the lateral transport in the test section and was measured by using a dye tracer technique. The technique involved initially tracing one side of the test section and measuring the exit dye concentration for the initially untraced system. This result plus the subchannel mass flow rate was then used in an analytical model to calculate numerically the turbulent mixing rate. The experimental program considered five rod spacings 0.011, 0.028, 0.063, 0.127 and 0.228 inches and a range of mass flow rates that resulted in a Reynolds number range of 8 x 10³ to 3 x 10⁴. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The turbulent mixing between adjacent subchannels can be correlated with turbulent eddy diffusivities for duct flow. 2. The turbulent mixing is a function of the rod spacing and subchannel Reynolds number and increases with increasing rod spacing and Reynolds number. 3. Although the results may be correlated with the subchannel Reynolds number, the flow conditions in the immediate vicinity of the rod spacing are important especially for the smallest rod spacing. 4. Small pressure gradients between adjacent subchannels have a significant effect upon the mixing results.
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