Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Changes in strength, anthropometric measurements and cardiovascular function as a consequence of participation in a coed weight training course

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  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the weight training responses of college males and females on the development of muscular strength, body weight, body composition, muscular hypertrophy, and cardiovascular fitness. A total of 60 males and 60 females volunteered to participate in this study. They were enrolled in coed beginning weight training classes at the Oregon State University, which met for a period of 11 weeks with two 60-minute sessions per week. The training format for both sexes was essentially identical. The training method used involved low repetition-high resistance alternating with high repetition-low resistance. Assessments of strength, body composition, circumferences and cardiovascular fitness were made at the beginning and at the conclusion of the study period. The two-tailed t̲ test for paired comparisons and one-way analysis of covariance were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that both males and females gained strength but the males gained significantly more than females. The males experienced a significant weight gain, with a significant amount of fat exchanged for an increase in lean body mass, while the females experienced practically no weight change. Though female subjects gained significantly in strength, their waist circumference decreased significantly and the girth size of other muscle groups did not change. The girth size of only the calf muscle increased for the male subjects. Both groups demonstrated nearly the same improvement on cardiovascular fitness.
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  • Figures in original document are black and white photocopies. Best scan available.



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