Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Relationship between the similarity of food preferences among parents and children and parental attitudes

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  • The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between the similarity of food preferences among parents and children, and parent attitudes. Thirty-five children of preschool ages and their parents served as subjects for this study. All children were enrolled in preschool programs established by the = Family Life Department at Oregon State University. A Picture Food Preference Inventory (PFPI), designed for this study was used to obtain the food preference similarity scores of children and their parents. A modified version of the Parental Attitude Research Instrument (PARI) was used to measure parent attitudes. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Method was used to test all hypotheses generated in this study. In addition, descriptive analyses were employed to explore the food preference similarity and dissimilarity among children and their parents. Generally, findings revealed that mothers' democratic attitudes seem related to boy-father and boy-mother food preference similarity, while fathers' authoritarian-control attitudes seem related to girl-father and girl-mother food preference similarity. A study of the food preference similarity and dissimilarity of children and their parents indicated that the percentage similarity of likes predominated over all food groups studied. The percentage similarity of dislikes occupied a very small proportion of the food preferences of children and their parents. Furthermore, the fruit food group contained the highest percentage similarity of likes, while the vegetable group contained the highest percentage dissimilarity. Still also, boys generally had a higher percentage similarity of likes with their parents, than did girls. Attempts were made to relate all findings to both previous research in the area of parent-child food preference similarity and parent attitudes, and various theoretical positions on identification. A discussion of these results indicated that no one theoretical position on identification could be used to explain these data. Furthermore, these findings suggested that future studies on the relationship between parent-child food preference similarity and parent attitudes and discussions on identification, focus attention on the variables of sex of child and sex of parents in their investigations. Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research were discussed.
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