Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Prothoracicotropic hormone, cyclic nucleotides, and proctolin in insect central nervous system

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  • Prothoracicotropic hormone has been partially purified from whole heads of tobacco hornworm larvae, Manduca sexta. Activity was followed with a larval bioassay. Activity was purified 4400 fold from crude extracts. The hormone was found to be a heat-stable polypeptide with an approximate molecular weight of 25,000 Daltons. The hormone has an isoelectric point in the range pH 5.25-5.50. The most purified preparations were shown to possess activity in vitro with a prothoracic gland culture system. Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP were quantitated in the central nervous system of Manduca sexta during the pre-metamorphic endocrine activity that leads to a change from feeding to wandering behavior and to the commitment to pupal development. Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP accumulated in the brain in tandem during this period. Cyclic nucleotide levels remained unchanged in abdominal and thoracic ganglia and in the subesophageal ganglion. Proctolin was quantitated by radioimmunoassay in the central nervous system of the Maderae cockroach, Leucophaea maderae. Proctolin RIA activity was found throughout the CNS, with the sixth abdominal and thoracic ganglia being the richest sources. RIA activity was also found in the cockroach hindgut.
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