Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Efficiency in Oregon's commercial salmon fisheries : a historical perspective

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  • Historic changes that have taken place on Oregon's commercial salmon fisheries are described in terms of their effects on the efficiency of fishermen. This historical analysis provides a background for comparative efficiency studies of Columbia River gillnetters and ocean trollers with the objective of determining which harvester group was more efficient and whether their method of fishing fully utilized the harvest potential of the resource. Changes in efficiency for gilinetters on the Columbia River are reflected by the modernization of their fishing technology and the trend of management for increasing gillnetting restrictions. Concurrent changes in technology for ocean trollers are observed and provide a base for the study of a comparative vessel efficiency between gilinetters and trollers. The effect of the different harvesting methods upon the resource reflects differences in harvesting efficiency between gillnetters and trollers. The lower harvesting efficiency among trollers is shown to partially limit the harvest potential of Columbia River chinook salmon. Evolutionary trends in salmon fishery management have tended to decrease efficiencies for fishermen and to favor less efficient resource use by more people. Low levels of present fishermen efficiency characterized by declining vessel and harvest efficiency may result in reducing or limiting fishing effort in Oregon's future fisheries. The socioeconomic implications of such future restrictions require that management strategies incorporate new concepts of restricting the fishery for both efficiency and conservation purposes.
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