Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Time domain simulation of Maxwell's equations by the method of characteristics

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  • A numerical method based on the the method of characteristics for hyperbolic systems of partial differential equations in four independent variables is developed and used for solving time domain Maxwell's equations. The method uses the characteristic hypersurfaces and the characteristic conditions to derive a set of independent equations relating the electric and magnetic field components on these hypersurfaces. A discretization scheme is developed to solve for the unknown field components at each time step. The method retains many of the good features of the original method of characteristics for hyperbolic systems in two independent variables, such as optimal time step, good behavior near data discontinuities and the ability to treat general boundary conditions. The method is exemplified by calculating the time domain response of a few typical planar interconnect structures to Gaussian and unit step excitations. Although the general emphasis is on interconnect problems, the method is applicable to a number of other transient electromagnetic field problems governed by Maxwell's equations. In addition to the method of characteristics a finite difference scheme, known in mathematic circles as the modified Richtmyer scheme, is applied to the time domain solution of Maxwell's equations. Both methods should be useful for efficient full wave analysis of three dimensional electromagnetic field problems.
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