Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effects of nitrogen source, rate and a nitrification inhibitor on soil nitrogen status and mineral composition of strawberry

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  • Three rates of urea, urea-DCD, and NH₄N0₃ were soil applied in April and August 1986 to strawberry selection OR-US 4930 and cultivar 'Sumas' to determine effects of the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) and nitrogen source and rate on soil NH₄ and N0₃ levels, fruit yield and quality, and mineral composition of foliage and fruit. There were four replications of zero nitrogen plots. For both OR-US 4930 and 'Sumas', soil NH₄ levels reflected the seasonal mineralization pattern rather than a fertilizer source or rate pattern. After the August nitrogen treatments soil N0₃ was lower with urea-DCD than with urea. Urea-DCD altered mineral uptake by the plant, but did not affect total marketable yield or quality of OR-US 4930 or 'Sumas'. Petiole NO3-N was significantly (p < .05) increased by increasing N rate in "Sumas' in March 1987. Petiole N0₃-N of 'Sumas' and OR-US 4930 in June 1986 was significantly (p < .05) affected by an interaction of N rate and source. OR-US 4930 petiole N0₃-N at the middle N rate of urea was greater than at the same rate of urea-DCD. At the high N rate there were significant differences among all three sources. 'Sumas' petiole N0₃-N at the high N rate of urea was greater than the same rate of NH₄N0₃. OR-US 4930 leaf N content in August 1986 and fruit N content in 1987 were significantly (p < .05) increased by increasing nitrogen. 'Sumas' leaf N content in June and November 1986 and in March 1987, fruit N content and petiole N0₃-N in March 1987 were significantly (p < .05) increased by increasing N rate. Leaf N content of OR-US 4930 in June 1986 was significantly (p < .05) greater with urea than with urea- DCD. Fruit N content was significantly (p < .05) lower with urea-DCD than with NH₄N0₃. Leaf N content of OR-US 4930 in November 1986 was significantly (p < .05) increased by increasing N applied as NH₄N0₃ or urea-DCD. Fruit S content of OR-US 4930 significantly (p < .05) increased with increasing N. 'Sumas' leaf Ca content in June 1986 and leaf P content in March 1987 significantly (p < .05) decreased with increasing N. Leaf K content of OR-US 4930 in June 1986 was significantly (p < .05) greater with NH₄N0₃ than with urea- DCD. Fruit P content was significantly (p < .05) greater with urea-DCD and NH₄N0₃ than with urea. Leaf Cu content in April 1987 was significantly (p < .05) lower with urea than with NH₄N0₃. Leaf Mn content of 'Sumas' in June 1986 was significantly (p < .05) lower with urea versus urea-DCD and NH₄N0₃. Leaf P content of OR-US 4930 in April 1987 was significantly (p < .05) greater at the low N rate of urea- DCD than at the low N rate of NH₄N0₃ and the middle N rate of urea. Leaf S content of OR-US 4930 in April 1987 was significantly (p < .05) decreased by the low N rate of NH₄N0₃. Application of urea-DCD altered mineral uptake, in June reduced petiole N0₃-N levels, and in August reduced soil N0₃ levels, suggesting that the soil NH₄ to N0₃ ratio was changed.
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