Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Factors influencing student attendance at intercollegiate athletic events : a study in Korea

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  • The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that may influence students' motivation or choice to attend their institution's intercollegiate athletic events and also to relate the lived experiences of administrators of athletic programs at a university in Korea. The research design included both quantitative and qualitative approaches. A survey questionnaire was administered at five athletic events during the fall semester 2013 with a total of 164 completed questionnaires returned and used as quantitative data for this study. In addition, interviews with six individuals who are engaged in athletics, which include an athletic director, an assistant director, a director of public relations, and three administrative assistants in the athletic department, were conducted for the qualitative data. The following questions guided the research: (a) what factors motivate students to attend intercollegiate athletic events, (b) how do students perceive the goal of intercollegiate athletics, and (c) what challenges do athletic administrators believe to influence student attendance. The principal component analysis was performed on the 22 individual items of factors and this yielded a six factor solution which corresponds to the number of factor categories initially generated (i.e. Competitive Factor, Facility Factor, Entertainment Factor, Social Factor, Identification Factor, and Promotional Factor). Based on the survey, the highest ranked category was facility factor which included location convenience, cleanliness of stadium, condition of stadium, and accessibility while promotional factor, which included free admittance and amount of advertising, was the least important category among the six factors. According to the interviews, the challenges which interviewees perceive to influence student attendance were weak public relations, small budget, lack of facilities, limited number of media sources, and imbalanced favor in athletics. Recommendations based on the findings and suggestions for future research were presented later in the study.
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