Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Attachment of the pathogen Flexibacter columnaris to fish cells

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  • The ability of Flexibacter columnaris to attach to fish cells was studied. Four of the five bacterial strains tested were able to adhere to fish cells derived from four different fish species. The attachment of these strains in vitro required magnesium but was not affected by increasing the incubation temperature from 16 to 22°C. Cells attached in higher numbers when they were at the end of the log phase of the growth cycle. The fifth strain, K4m, had an atypical colony morphology and was unable to attach to the four fish cell lines used under any of the assay conditions tested. The four strains that were able to adhere to fish cells in vitro were also able to kill fish when infected by waterborne exposure. Strain K4m was unable to kill fish infected by waterborne exposure, but did cause infection when fish were injected intraperitoneally with a culture of this strain. This means that the ability to infect and kill fish by natural or waterborne infection is closely related to the ability of the bacterial cells to attach to fish cells. Electron microscopy of thin sections failed to show any discernible differences between the outer surface structures of the stain that did not adhere to fish cells (K4m) and the strains that did.
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