Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Parental attitudes toward women's roles and daughters' sex role development

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  • The present study compared the sex role learning of preschool girls from families with "traditional" and "nontraditional" (egalitarian) attitudes toward women's roles on measures of sex role knowledge and preference. Forty-eight four and five year old girls from intact, middle class families served as subjects. Their parents' attitudes toward women's roles were determined by scores on the FEM Scale. Twenty-five sets of parents with scores below the sample median were designated traditional and 23 sets of parents with scores above the sample median were designated nontraditional. Families with divergent views were excluded. The Sex Role Learning Index (SERLI) and Sex Stereotype Measure II (SSM II) were used to assess four aspects of daughters' sex role learning: 1) discrimination of objects appropriate for each sex; 2) discrimination of behavioral traits exhibited by each sex; 3) preference for stereotypic feminine and masculine children's activities; and 4) preference for stereotypic feminine and masculine adult activities. Results indicated that girls frog nontraditional families displayed significantly less stereotypic discrimination of objects than girls from traditional families. Girls from nontraditional families were more likely to perceive males as exhibiting stereotypic traits than girls from traditional families. No significant differences were found between the groups on measures of child and adult activity preference. Findings suggest that parents may have a more direct influence on daughters' sex role knowledge than on their activity preference.
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