Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Bioaccumulation profiles of chemical contaminants in fish from the lower Willamette River, Portland Harbor superfund site and human health risk assessment

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  • Concentrations of twenty-five PCBs, fifteen organochiorine pesticides and mercury were determined in recreational fish from the Willamette River, Oregon during the summer of 2000. Thirty-six fish samples of three fish species including black crappie, smalimouth bass and con-rn-ion carp were analyzed. The data reported here provides new information and recent residue data in fish from the main stem of lower Willamette River. Concentrations of total PCBs and total DDT (sum of p,p'-homologs) in fish varied from 14 to 528 and from 18 to 510 ng/g wet weight, respectively. Fish samples from Portland Harbor superfund site were most contaminated because this river segment is the primary depositional area of the Willamette River system. Among three fish species analyzed, smailmouth bass contained the highest contaminant levels. Distribution profiles of analyzed PCBs were similar in three fish species. Hexachiorobiphenyl congener 153 was the most abundant and pentachiorobiphenyls congeners 118, 101 and heptachiorobiphenyls congeners 180, 187 were second most abundant. Among DDT derivatives, p,p'- DDE was the most abundant species. Other organochlorine pesticides were not detected or present below detection limit. Mercury levels in tested fish were in a range of 0.013 to 0.52 mg!g. Hazard quotient indices (ΣHQ>1) indicated consumption of contaminated fish by recreational fishers and subsistence fishers harvesting fish from the lower portion of the river might cause chronic adverse health effects posed by the presence of these chemicals. Total cancer risk at all sites of this study exceeded acceptable lifetime cancer risk level (10⁻⁵). The greatest contributors to hazard quotients for non-carcinogenic risk and carcinogenic risk were total PCBs and dioxin-like PCBs, respectively. The 10⁻⁵ upper limit of lifetime cancer risk as the health protection standard, suggested no fish consumption in the unit of meals/year for smallmouth bass and black crappie from the lower Willamette River were acceptable because the presence of PCBs were at the concentrations that can pose a long term toxic threat to local fish consumers.
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