Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Indoor/outdoor atmospheric trace element abundances

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  • The atmospheric trace element abundances associated with "indoor" and '"outdoor" air particulate have been measured for university chemistry laboratories, typical homes, modern office buildings, hospital and automobile repair garages in a rural setting (Corvallis, Oregon) and modern office buildings in an urban setting (Portland, Oregon). Samples of atmospheric particulate matter were collected using a high volume sampler, a cascade impactor and a specially designed, quiet sampler. Analysis of the trace elements Al , Fe, Ti , Na, K, Sm, Eu, La, Sc, Cl, Mn, Br, V, Sb, Co, Cr, As, and Zn was done using instrumental neutron activation analysis. I found that " upswept soil " and the " wood products industry contribution" are the main components of Corvallis Oregon rural air.The rural results show the mean indoor concentrations to be -v75% of the outdoor concentrations with preferential loss of larger particles as one moves from outdoors to indoors. The urban results show typical indoor-outdoor ratios of ,N,18%. By examining any enhancement or chemical fractionation in elemental abundance patterns between indoor and outdoor particulate matter, one can identify indoor sources. Sources of this type identified in this work include acid vapors in the chemistry laboratory, auto exhaust in the automobile repair garage and unidentified source(s) of atmospheric chromium in the typical homes, potassium in one modern office, antimony and zinc in the other modern office.
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