Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The reproductive biology of the mountain cottontail rabbit in Oregon

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  • The reproductive characteristics of the mountain cottontail rabbit, Sylvilagus nuttalli (Bachman), were investigated from 269 specimens collected in central Oregon between 28 May 1968 and 28 August 1969. Male rabbits were in breeding condition between mid-February and 3 July 1969. Nearly 77% of the females bore four litters between 7 March and 28 June; 23% bore five litters between 22 February and 31 July 1969. Evidence of immediate postpartum estrus and synchronous breeding were observed. The mean size of litters was 4.3 young per litter in 1969. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) among the sizes of synchronous litters. Juvenile males became sexually mature in February when they were at least seven months old. Pregnancy was observed in one juvenile female two to three months old. Maximum annual productivity was 18.2 young per adult female, and 0.3 young per juvenile female in 1969. The 1969 breeding season may have been delayed due to severe weather in January and February 1969.
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