Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Fate of ammonia volatilized from a confinement livestock facility

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  • A conceptual model was developed to further the understanding of the evolution and fate of volatilized ammonia in the atmosphere. Recent trends in livestock rearing have been toward confinement facilities in which high animal concentrations are maintained. One of the impacts of these facilities has been increased local concentrations of ammonia in the atmosphere-directly resulting from surface volatilization associated with the facility. The various components of the model serve as sinks for the atmospheric ammonia and subsequently, under the right conditions, will also emit ammonia. Depending upon the degree of influence which each component will display, atmospheric ammonia can become a serious pollutant. The most significant of these potential pollution situations is the eutrophication of surface waters resulting from the direct absorption of atmospheric ammonia. Ammonia evolution is also related to odor emission which is a major social concern relative to livestock production. A knowledge of the system described by the model and the interaction of the system components serve as the basis in developing a pollution management philosophy. The environmental impact of a livestock facility upon surface water bodies can be predicted by estimating the potential ammonia absorption rate, and the impact can be lessened by modifying the other system components. This approach takes advantage of nature's assimulative capacity.
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