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  • In 1954, International Engineering Company, Inc. was employed by the Royal Government of Afghanistan to complete the design and supervise construction of the Girishk Power Development Project. The major project features include: two hydraulic turbine driven generating units and appurtenant facilities, completion of the six meter drop structure, and provision of gates, gantry crane and trashracks and construction of 75 kilometers of transmission line with five receiving stations and distribution systems. The project is part of the Helmand Valley Development Program and is located in the midst of a large irrigation development. Although providing only 3000 kilowatts initially and 4500 maximum, the powerplant was considered to be vital because of an acute shortage of hydro potential in the area and the high cost of other types of generation in this land-locked Kingdom. Work on the project was divided into four phases: review of previous design work which had resulted in construction of the drop structure and included the skeleton powerhouse and gated by-pass flumes; preliminary and final design; procurement of permanent materials; and construction inspection. Preliminary design and construction are covered rather briefly as they were actually outside the author's scope of duties. Final design, however, and related aspects are covered in detail. Full sections are devoted to each of the four principle aspects of: mechanical design; electrical design; structural design; and transmission lines, receiving stations and distribution systems. In general, each of these four sections covers the basic criteria used in selection and coordination of the various electrical, mechanical, and structural features of the powerhouse, transmission line and distribution facilities. The introductory section is devoted to background information required for an understanding of the entire project. A concluding section presents some of the unexpected problems which occurred during unit start up. The solution of these problems is one of the most interesting aspects of the entire project design and resulted in a smoothly functioning project.
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