Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Association between length of grain filling period and grain yield in two wheat populations (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.)

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  • The objective of this study was to determine interrelationships among agronomic traits in early and late maturing populations. Two populations were obtained from the crosses, Roussalka/Tesopaco 76 and Yamhill/Aspen. Seeds were space planted with split plot design and nine agronomic traits were observed. In comparative studies between early and late populations, the early population was earlier in heading date, maturity date, longer maturity duration, heavier kernel weight, and higher harvest index. However, it was shorter in plant height, had fewer tillers, kernels and lower grain yield than the late population. Grain filling duration expressed positive relationships with grain yield in both crosses, although the correlation coefficient with grain yield was very low compared to other agronomic traits. Grain filling duration showed consistent positive relationships with kernel weight in both populations and with kernel number in the late population. No relationship was found between grain filling duration and tiller number. Grain filling duration influenced grain yield mainly by the indirect effects of kernel weight and kernel number. Yield components generally showed high positive relationships with grain yield; tiller number being the most important, followed by kernel number, and kernel weight. Competition among yield components was minimal in this space planted study. Heading date showed a negative association while plant height and harvest index expressed high positive relationships with grain yield.
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