Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

PRONTO programs for product term reduction

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  • PRONTO is a direct, one-pass heuristic method designed to shrink the size of reducible programmable logic arrays. Several people have contributed to the design, and translation to a computer program, of this attempt to produce a good solution quickly. This thesis discusses efforts to improve PRONTO's implementation in order to achieve a fast and efficient solution. The principal feature examined is the time complexity of the algorithm by which the dominant time-growth factors are identified. The execution time of PRONTO was estimated from the PLA's tangible characteristics (i.e. the number of product terms, input bits and output bits) and the size of the resulting reduced PLA. It was found that, for a small set of examples, execution time varies almost linearly with the value [Solution size * Specification size * number of output bits]. The PRONTO algorithm is built of four major parts. The first selects a base product term that is most favorable for expansion. The second finds a set of the most likely expansion directions. The third expands the base product term in those directions. The final part updates the solution and the specification arrays. Three alternative implementations were investigated for the tree search process of expanding a base product term. The tree expansion method chosen is a combination of a preorder and a level-order traversal method.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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